Deep ocean warming as climate changes

Much of the "excess heat" stored in the subtropical North Atlantic is in the deep ocean (below 700m), new research suggests.

Record low Antarctic sea ice extent could signal shift

Sea ice around Antarctica shrank to the smallest extent on record in February, five years after the previous record low, researchers said Tuesday, suggesting Earth's frozen continent may be less impervious to climate change ...

Flame-retardants and plasticizers found in the oceans 

After the successful ban of the flame-retardant substances called PBDEs in the early 2000s, it got replaced by another problematic chemical group called Organophosphate esters (OPEs). Since then the use of OPEs increased ...

Global warming speeds up currents in the ocean's abyss

University of Sydney scientists have used the geological record of the deep sea to discover that past global warming has sped up deep ocean circulation. This is one of the missing links for predicting how future climate change ...

Arctic seal pups learn to live on the edge

Young harp seals diving for the first time can adapt their behavior depending on local environmental conditions, according to new research at the University of St Andrews.

Corals can be 'trained' to tolerate heat stress, study finds

A new study led by researchers at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science found that corals that underwent a stressful temperature treatment in the laboratory for 90 days were more ...

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