Earth in hot water? Worries over sudden ocean warming spike

The world's oceans have suddenly spiked much hotter and well above record levels in the last few weeks, with scientists trying to figure out what it means and whether it forecasts a surge in atmospheric warming.

The future is foggy for Arctic shipping

As the Arctic warms and loses sea ice, trans-Arctic shipping has increased, reducing travel time and costs for international trade. However, a new study finds that the Arctic Ocean is getting foggier as ice disappears, reducing ...

'Big sponge': new CO2 tech taps oceans to tackle global warming

Floating in the port of Los Angeles, a strange-looking barge covered with pipes and tanks contains a concept that scientists hope to make waves: a new way to use the ocean as a vast carbon dioxide sponge to tackle global ...

Smelly seaweed bloom heads to Florida

A large mass of Sargassum "seaweed" circling around the Gulf of Mexico may soon wash up along the U.S. coast near Florida—depending on the right combination of currents and wind. The bloom, which may likely be the largest ...

Arctic's peak ice cover has shrunk by an area larger than Egypt

Sea ice covered 5.64 million square miles of the Arctic Ocean at the ice's peak extent this year in early March. That's almost 400,000 square miles less than the median coverage level at other March peaks between 1981 and ...

Quantifying carbon leakage from enhanced rock weathering

A technique known as "enhanced rock weathering" may help remove carbon from the atmosphere, and a model shows the method will only leak minimal carbon if its products are stored in the ocean. Constraining the planet below ...

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