How Arctic ice melt raises the risk of far-away wildfires

As millions of people in New York and other major North American cities choke on acrid smoke, they could point their accusatory fingers farther North than the wildfires ravaging Quebec—all the way to the global Arctic.

Oceans warmer last month than any May on record

Global oceans were warmer last month than any other May in records stretching back to the 19th century, the European Union's climate monitoring unit reported Wednesday.

Arctic could be ice-free a decade earlier than thought

The Arctic Ocean's ice cap will disappear in summer as soon as the 2030s and a decade earlier than thought, no matter how aggressively humanity draws down the carbon pollution that drives global warming, scientists said Tuesday.

Exploring how the climate is impacted by the seas in Indonesia

As part of global ocean circulation, warm water in the upper layer flows from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean through the Indonesian Archipelago. The flow through the archipelago, known as the Indonesian Throughflow, ...

Satellites are tracking patterns that lead up to El Niño

Adding to the grim list of record ice losses, record air temperatures and record droughts, which have all hit the headlines recently, the temperature of the surface waters of our oceans is also at an all-time high. With an ...

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