Deep ocean vehicle to seek ship wreckage off Bahamas

Searchers have found wreckage in 15,000 feet (4,570 meters) of water east of the Bahamas, and now a remotely operated deep ocean vehicle will be sent in to see whether it's the cargo ship El Faro that vanished a month ago.

Owner of ship that damaged reef to pay $840,000

The federal government and the state of Hawaii have reached an agreement for damages from the owner of a cargo ship that harmed more than 100,000 coral colonies several years ago when it ran aground off Oahu.

Worldwide ship traffic up 300 percent since 1992

Maritime traffic on the world's oceans has increased four-fold over the past 20 years, likely causing more water, air and noise pollution on the open seas, according to a new study quantifying global ship traffic.

Russia to get first private satellite constellation

A Russian startup said Wednesday it will launch several satellites in the coming weeks, the country's first private satellite constellation, to offer maritime monitoring services.

More whales being hit by ships along US East Coast

A cruise ship heading for New York this month struck and killed a whale and dragged it into the Hudson River, part of a higher-than-usual rate of strikes along the Eastern Seaboard for this time of year, a federal agency ...

Rescue underway for Russian ship trapped by Antarctic ice

Three icebreaking ships were Thursday hurrying to reach a Russian vessel carrying 74 people on a scientific expedition which is trapped by ice off Antarctica, with Australian authorities coordinating the rescue mission.

Google-funded sea research vessel sets sail

A $60 million research ship funded by a Google executive is setting sail from San Francisco to study a so-called "dead zone" in the Pacific Ocean and other mysteries of the sea.

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