Tropical cyclone waves detected with infrasound sensor array

The strong winds of a tropical cyclone whip up the sea surface, driving ocean waves a dozen meters (about 40 feet) high. When one such ocean wave runs into another wave that has an equal period but is traveling in the opposite ...

Marine sensor gets to grips with salt

A flexible, lightweight and robust salinity sensor that can be attached to aquatic animals for long-term monitoring of their habitat has been developed by a multidisciplinary team at KAUST. The team created a sensor that ...

SMOS maps record soil water before flood

As parts of central Europe are battling with the most extensive floods in centuries, forecasters are hoping that ESA's SMOS satellite will help to improve the accuracy of flood prediction in the future.

First mission for new ocean floor observatory

On Saturday, May 26, the German research vessel POSEIDON sailed from the port of Bergen, Norway, for an expedition to the Norwegian Sea. On board the newly developed ocean floor observatory, MoLab, is being taken to its first ...

NASA to launch ocean wind monitor to space station

(—In a clever reuse of hardware originally built to test parts of NASA's QuikScat satellite, the agency will launch the ISS-RapidScat instrument to the International Space Station in 2014 to measure ocean-surface ...

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