Decade of benefits for the Great Barrier Reef

With this week marking the tenth anniversary of the rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, prominent marine scientists from around the world have gathered in Canberra to discuss its successes - both expected and ...

EU fish discard ban agreed -- for 2019

After 20 hours of talks into the early hours Wednesday, Europe's fisheries ministers finally struck a compromise deal to save the oceans from overfishing -- but failed to satisfy environmentalists.

Hawaii prepares plan to help coral recover from bleaching

Hawaii officials proposed a series of steps to fight coral bleaching that's threatening the state's reefs, including new marine protected areas, limits on fishing and controlling polluted runoff from land.

Study uncovers albatross fishing grounds

( —A new model can predict the location of the most important fishing grounds for the black-browed albatross, helping conservationists to protect this endangered species.

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