Eurockot to launch 2 ESA Earth observation missions

ESA has awarded a contract to Eurockot for the launch of two of its Earth observation missions. The first will be the next Earth Explorer: Swarm, a constellation of three satellites to study Earth's magnetic field.

Once-derided climate-change satellite may launch with new goal

An Earth observation satellite conceived by former Vice President Al Gore - but banished to a Maryland warehouse by foes of climate change after George W. Bush beat Gore for the presidency - could get a ride into space as ...

The color of the ocean: The SABIA-Mar mission

By monitoring the color changes in the ocean, such as those caused by photosynthetic pigments in phytoplankton, scientists learn more about the overall health and functioning of our planet. Such studies also could help future ...

Satellites are tracking patterns that lead up to El Niño

Adding to the grim list of record ice losses, record air temperatures and record droughts, which have all hit the headlines recently, the temperature of the surface waters of our oceans is also at an all-time high. With an ...

Snow cover hits record lows

(—Santa Claus may someday need wheels for his sleigh – satellites show a decreasing amount of snow in the Northern Hemisphere.

A NASA weather 'Eye in the Sky' marks 10 years

For 10 years, it has silently swooped through space in its orbital perch 438 miles (705 kilometers) above Earth, its nearly 2,400 spectral "eyes" peering into Earth's atmosphere, watching. But there's nothing alien about ...

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