Invasive animals threaten natives as oceans heat up

Warmer oceans promote invasive animals and threaten natives, say UC Davis marine biologists who report striking new evidence from the eastern Pacific fishing harbor of Bodega Bay, Calif.

Marine scientists return with rare creatures from the deep

Scientists have just returned from a voyage with samples of rare animals and more than 10 possible new species in a trip which they say has revolutionised their thinking about deep-sea life in the Atlantic Ocean.

Hunting for Fossils on Europa

Jupiter's moon Europa has a salty ocean where life could exist. A thick ice shell separates the ocean from our exploration vehicles, and it’s not known how far down we’d need to drill. But why drill at all, when evidence ...

Shallow Origins

In finding answers to the mystery of the origin of life, scientists may not have to dig too deep. New research is shedding light on shallower waters as a possible location for where life on Earth began.

Is the Pacific Ocean's chemistry killing sea life?

The collapse began rather unspectacularly. In 2005, when most of the millions of Pacific oysters in this tree-lined estuary failed to reproduce, Washington's shellfish growers largely shrugged it off.

In hot water and beyond: Marine extremes escalate

Marine life in the water column depends on the right combination of water temperature, acidity, and oxygen levels, so creatures such as fish and plankton can be hard hit by large regional fluctuations in any of these parameters. ...

Scientists find five new hydrothermal vents in Pacific Ocean

The pace of discovery in the oceans leaped forward thanks to teamwork between a deep-sea robot and a human occupied submarine leading to the recent discovery of five new hydrothermal vents in the eastern Tropical Pacific ...

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