A reality show with depth: Live ocean exploration

(AP)—Vicious fights! Stunning beauties! Surprises around every corner! Yes, it's reality TV but with a lot more depth—as much as 10,000 feet (3,048 meters). It's live coverage of deep-sea exploration off Nantucket and ...

Google-funded sea research vessel sets sail

A $60 million research ship funded by a Google executive is setting sail from San Francisco to study a so-called "dead zone" in the Pacific Ocean and other mysteries of the sea.

Marine life gets drowned out as oceans get noisier

A PhD student from the Department of Physics who recently returned from a trip to lay microphones on the ocean floor off the west coast of Canada is warning of the dangers to marine life from increased ocean noise.

Science and adventure on first leg of ocean expedition

Scientists undertaking a UNSW-led expedition to study microbes in the Indian Ocean have weathered huge seas and had a close encounter with giant whales during the first leg of their voyage from South Africa to Mauritius.

Iron in primeval seas rusted by bacteria

(Phys.org) —Researchers from the University of Tübingen have been able to show for the first time how microorganisms contributed to the formation of the world's biggest iron ore deposits. The biggest known deposits – ...

Acidifying oceans may be harmful to porcelain crabs

(Phys.org) —As the world's oceans soak up carbon dioxide from an atmosphere increasingly polluted by fossil fuels, seawater will become more acidic. Two new studies by San Francisco State University students suggest marine ...

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