Ocean toxicity hampered the rapid evolution of complex life

By examining rocks at the bottom of ancient oceans, an international group of researchers have revealed that arsenic concentrations in the oceans have varied greatly over time. But also that in the very early oceans, arsenic ...

Yes, size matters

Why do whales use echolocation when bacteria do not? Because body size determines available sensing modes, argue researchers from Center for Ocean Life

Global marine populations slashed by half since 1970: WWF

Populations of marine mammals, birds, reptiles and fish have dropped by about half in the past four decades, with fish critical to human food suffering some of the greatest declines, WWF warned Wednesday.

Copepod migrations are important for the ocean's uptake of CO2

In a scientific article recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers from DTU Aqua, the University of Copenhagen and the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, have shown that the ...

Ocean garbage scoop study to start off Japan coast

Researchers are launching tests aimed at setting up a huge floating barrier off the Japanese coast, a project that could eventually help remove some of the 5.25 trillion pieces of rubbish polluting the world's oceans, officials ...

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