NASA satellite data shows Humberto's structure change

NASA's Aqua Satellite provided data on Major Hurricane Humberto that revealed its structure was changing as it was moving through the North Atlantic Ocean and past Bermuda.On Sept. 18 at 12:30 p.m. EDT, the Moderate Imaging ...

Scientists exploring wreck of sunken U-boat off Rhode Island

Scientists are using submersibles to explore a German U-boat sunk 7 miles off the Rhode Island coast the day before Nazi Germany surrendered in World War II, and they're streaming the attempts online as they work to learn ...

New international standards needed to manage ocean noise

As governments and industries expand their use of high-decibel seismic surveys to explore the ocean bottom for resources, experts from eight universities and environmental organizations are calling for new global standards ...

Adventurer to recreate Shackleton's Antarctic exploits

A polar explorer who famously retraced Douglas Mawson's Antarctic trek has launched an ambitious new challenge—recreating Ernest Shackleton's perilous crossing of the Southern Ocean.

Engineers are designing, building mechanical ray (w/ Video)

( -- Batoid rays, such as stingrays and manta rays, are among nature's most elegant swimmers. They are fast, highly maneuverable, graceful, energy-efficient, can cruise, bird-like, for long distances in the deep, ...

Orion drop test on Jan. 06, 2012

( -- After six months of testing, an 18,000 pound (8,165 kg) Orion mockup took its final splash into NASA Langley Research Center's Hydro Impact Basin on Jan. 6.

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