Great lakes waterfowl die-offs: Finding the source

A deadly menace stalks the loons, gulls and other water birds of the Great Lakes region: Type E botulism, a neuromuscular disease caused when birds eat fish infected with toxin-producing bacteria. Cases of the disease are ...

'Ferrari of space' set to fall to Earth

A science satellite dubbed the "Ferrari of space" for its sleek, finned looks will shortly run out of fuel and fall to Earth after a successful mission, the European Space Agency (ESA) says.

Turning algae into fuel

Blue-green in colour, slimy and present in seas and fresh water worldwide - the presence of microalgae is not generally met with great excitement. But this may be about to change. A team of European scientists is on a mission ...

Riser fatigue insights to benefit offshore projects

Local research into the risers on offshore oil and gas platforms aims to increase the accuracy of fatigue damage estimates to make steel catenary risers (SCRs) more economical to construct.

Underwater propulsion from a 3D printer

Octopods, which are also known as octopuses or squid, are considered to be the most intelligent invertebrates. In fact, they have been referred to as the "sages of the sea". They are capable of learning; they can open tin ...

Underwater propulsion from a 3-D printer

Nature inspires creativity: in building a silent propulsion system for boats and water sport devices, researchers used the octopus as their role model. The system can be produced at a low cost and in a single step with a ...

Researchers seek to reduce ear-splitting jet engine noise

Have you ever had a fighter jet fly over your home and the noise of the aircraft booms loud enough to rattle the windows? Well, imagine working on an aircraft carrier or air base, up close to the engines as they take off ...

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