Scientists make discoveries about the ways oceans form

( -- Scientists at Missouri University of Science and Technology have discovered magnetic stripes in Ethiopia that could indicate the coming formation of a new ocean basin in the next two million years or so. ...

Glacier melting on Kamchatka contributed to sea rise

Scientists have quantified the glacier mass loss on the Kamchatka Peninsula; the accelerated loss in the region since the turn of the millennium is likely to increase in the short term.

Two hurricane Global Hawks, two sets of instruments

NASA's Hurricane Severe Storm Sentinel Mission, or HS3, will be studying hurricanes at the end of the summer, and there will be two high-altitude, long-duration unmanned aircraft with different instruments flying over the ...

Women at NASA manage novel hurricane mission

Women at NASA have made important contributions to the agency's missions, since its founding in 1958. But, as recently as 20 years ago, the number of women in key technical and project management positions was small. In 1993, ...

Hurricanes not likely to disrupt ocean carbon balance

( -- Hurricanes are well known for the trail of damage and debris they can leave on land, but less known for the invisible trail left over the ocean by their gale-force winds — a trail of carbon dioxide.

NOAA to explore depths of Caribbean Sea

Beginning April 10, scientists aboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer will begin a series of 20 dives to investigate previously unseen depths of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean – and the public can follow along online.

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