The Australian winter was dry, the spring will likely be dry

Winter still has a few days to run, but it's highly likely to be one of Australia's warmest and driest on record. While final numbers will be crunched once August ends, this winter will probably rank among the top ten warmest ...

Satellites and submarines give the skinny on sea ice thickness

This summer, a group of scientists and students — as well as a Canadian senator, a writer, and a filmmaker — set out from Resolute Bay, Canada, on the icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent. They were headed through the Northwest ...

Researchers predict active hurricane season

The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season will see 17 to 21 named storms forming in the Atlantic basin, according to researchers at North Carolina State University. The Atlantic basin includes the entire Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf ...

NASA's HS3 looks Hurricane Edouard in the eye

NASA and NOAA scientists participating in NASA's Hurricane and Severe Storms Sentinel (HS3) mission used their expert skills, combined with a bit of serendipity on Sept. 17, 2014, to guide the remotely piloted Global Hawk ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Olaf moving back to 'birthplace'

Tropical Storm Olaf is leaving the Central Pacific Ocean and is headed "home" - that is, back to the Eastern Pacific Ocean where it developed 12 days ago. NASA's RapidScat satellite observed the winds in Olaf as it was headed ...

NASA catches 3 tropical cyclones at 1 time

It's not often that a satellite can capture an image of more than one tropical cyclone, but the GOES-13 satellite managed to get 3 tropical cyclones in two ocean basins in one image today. Bret and his "sister" Cindy are ...

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