Q&A: Clarifying the megathrust earthquake mechanism

There is a 70-80% chance that the Nankai Trough Megathrust Earthquake will occur in the next 30 years. It is predicted to cause more extensive damage than the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and fatalities may exceed 320,000.

Study shows how ethical brands fare in a recession

A new study from the University of East Anglia reveals why some 'eco goods' may fare better than others as a UK recession looms. The new study, published today, shows that when money gets tight, people are more likely to ...

Astronomers discover infant 'escaping star'

Stars escape from their birth place and eventually become dispersed across the galaxy. This is an important process in galactic evolution. Theoretical studies suggest two possible reasons why stars escape. First, stars may ...

Should we give children an allowance?

Instead of setting an allowance, many parents decide to give money on demand to their children. When figuring out if that's a good option, we need to be aware that the key is not so much in giving or not giving an allowance, ...

Study suggests partisan politics could help public health

Partisan politics played a role in exacerbating public health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. A new study suggests that partisan politics could also play a role in addressing those challenges—at least when it comes ...

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