Higher wheat yields and protein content on the horizon

A team of international researchers has discovered a way to produce higher quality wheat. The scientists from the University of Adelaide and the UK's John Innes Centre have identified a genetic driver that improves yield ...

From kale to carotenoid powerhouse: Advances in plant nutrition

Carotenoids, vital antioxidants in plants, are integral for human health, enhancing immunity and preventing diseases. However, many vegetables, including Chinese kale, naturally exhibit low carotenoid levels.

Fad food products: Good for profits, not necessarily health

The search for healthier food options combined with an increase in nutrition-related diseases has given rise to nutrition fads such as eating gluten-free, taking supplements and adopting restrictive diets. This, in turn, ...

Plant-based prawns to protect the marine environment

Around the world, people are consuming more and more fish and seafood, such as mussels and prawns. This includes Switzerland, where consumption has risen by 60 percent over the past quarter of a century to reach 75,000 metric ...

Edible crickets can be reared on weeds and cassava plant tops

To become a sustainable alternative to meat, reared crickets must eat feeds other than the chicken feed that is most commonly used today. Researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences now present a study ...

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