Addressing food insecurity in the digital age

In the search for food —whether through foraging, hunting or agriculture —we are constantly at war with nature. In addition, food is distributed unequally: over 800 million people experience hunger while two billion ...

The dirt on soil loss from the Midwest floods

As devastating images of the 2019 Midwest floods fade from view, an insidious and longer-term problem is emerging across its vast plains: The loss of topsoil that much of the nation's food supply relies on.

New tool to tackle water quality on farms

A Victoria University of Wellington researcher has developed a tool that Ravensdown will use to help New Zealand farmers lower their environmental footprints and better manage nutrient loss into waterways.

Scientists tackling Gulf of Mexico hypoxia

Bouncing along the edge of a field, Larry Berry points across the pasture toward a tree line marking the path of a creek bed. A small plastic shed sits atop a wooden platform on stilts.

Researchers suggest plan to address hypoxia in Gulf of Mexico

Despite a 12-year action plan calling for reducing the hypoxia zone in the Gulf of Mexico, little progress has been made, and there is no evidence that nutrient loading to the Gulf has decreased during this period. University ...

Stop marine pollution to protect kelp forests

( —University of Adelaide marine biologists have found that reducing nutrient pollution in coastal marine environments should help protect kelp forests from the damaging effects of rising CO2.

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