Scientists discover megalodon shark nursery

( -- University of Florida researchers have discovered a 10-million-year-old Neotropical nursery area for the extinct megalodon shark in Panama, providing fossil evidence the fish used these areas to protect their ...

How can we conserve Seychelles giant trevallies?

A recent study has revealed that to better conserve the giant trevally, an economically important game fish in the Seychelles, its nursery areas should be protected, along with the larger areas the adults of the species frequently ...

Scientists discover new coral species off California

A NOAA-led research team has discovered a new species of deep-sea coral and a nursery area for catsharks and skates in the underwater canyons located close to the Gulf of Farallones and Cordell Bank national marine sanctuaries ...

Poorer children in private preschools 'at double disadvantage'

Private and voluntary (not-for-profit) nurseries and preschools catering for disadvantaged areas and children are lower quality than those serving more advantaged areas and children, according to University of Oxford research ...

Scientists circle the Great White

It is hard to think of a creature more maligned in popular culture than the Great White shark. It rarely comes in contact with humans but is often described as a man-eater and every child knows to hum the "shark" theme from ...