What is the best radiation shielding for the surface of Mars?

The planet Mars is calling to us. At least, that is the impression one gets when examining all the planned and proposed missions to the red planet in the coming decade. With so many space agencies currently sending missions ...

The mathematics of prey detection in spider orb-webs

Spider webs are one of nature's most fascinating manifestations. Many spiders extrude proteinaceous silk to weave sticky webs that ensnare unsuspecting prey who venture into their threads. Despite their elasticity, these ...

The new model powering faster flood predictions

In July 2021, heavy rain fell across Central Europe, resulting in catastrophic flooding that killed more than 220 people and left a trail of destruction costing more than US $25 billion.

Planetary magnetic fields: The hunt for better models

Some three thousand kilometers below the surface of the Earth and with temperatures reaching those at the surface of the sun, the core of our home planet is no more within our physical reach today than it was back when Jules ...

Formation of Saturn's ring moons explained

(PhysOrg.com) -- New computer simulations based on data collected by the Cassini spacecraft mission suggest five of Saturn's moons may have been formed only 10 million years ago, and researchers in France and England think ...

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