Related topics: atoms · physical review letters

AI helps distinguish dark matter from cosmic noise

Dark matter is the invisible force holding the universe together—or so we think. It makes up about 85% of all matter and around 27% of the universe's contents, but since we can't see it directly, we have to study its gravitational ...

New hyperluminous quasar discovered

An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a new hyperluminous quasar. The newfound quasar, which received the designation eFEDSJ0828–0139, has a high star-formation rate and its black hole is accreting ...

Astronomers explore the properties of quasar 1604+159

Chinese astronomers have conducted multi-frequency polarimetric observations of a quasar known as 1604+159. Results of the observational campaign, published August 13 on the pre-print server arXiv, shed more light on the ...

The hidden architect: How nuclei organize the eyes and brain

Inside each cell, individual structures known as organelles perform key functions, but how these organelles contribute to the formation of tissues and organs is unknown. New research from the Campàs group at the Cluster ...


Nucleus may refer to:

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