Video: Could humans survive decades in a fallout shelter?

It's a big week for gamers now that the long-anticipated Fallout 4 video game is being released. The series takes place in a world decades after nuclear war has destroyed most of civilization. Only those who hid in fallout ...

Remembering the Vela incident

Thirty-six years ago today, a strange event was detected over the Southern Indian Ocean that remains controversial. On September 22nd, 1979, an American Vela Hotel satellite detected an atmospheric explosion over the southern ...

History is the key to making sense of nuclear weapons

In the early days of his first term, US president Barack Obama gave a speech in Prague in which he called for a world without nuclear weapons. His argument was based on a risk assessment:

Congress group tours Yucca Mountain nuke dump site in Nevada

Six members of Congress toured a dusty tunnel and stood atop Yucca Mountain on Thursday during a trip led by a colleague who said the non-descript rocky ridge in the wind-swept desert outside Las Vegas would be a good place ...

Former Brown dean whose group won Nobel Prize dies

David Greer, a doctor who co-founded a group that won the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize for working to prevent nuclear war and who helped transform the medical school at Brown University, has died. He was 89.

The five biggest threats to human existence

In the daily hubbub of current "crises" facing humanity, we forget about the many generations we hope are yet to come. Not those who will live 200 years from now, but 1,000 or 10,000 years from now. I use the word "hope" ...

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