Not all clones the same

Despite their name, not all clones are created equal. This is especially true for the products of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), which entails the transplantation of the nucleus from a mature somatic cell, or non-reproductive ...

First NMR Signal of a Copper Site in Azurin Obtained

( -- Metalloproteins, such as the copper-containing azurin, play a major role in catalyzing electron transfer in cellular reactions. Understanding how their structure relates to function can give rise to advances ...

Researchers patent a nanofluid that improves heat conductivity

Researchers at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) have developed and patented a nanofluid improving thermal conductivity at temperatures up to 400°C without assuming an increase in costs or a remodeling of the infrastructure. ...

Researchers, educators team to improve science curricula

NCBJ experts jointly with teachers and students of some Mazovia region technical high schools are running the "School with a Big Future" project. A new curricula for some nuclear-industry-related vocational programmes that ...

NY taxpayers to pay donors for stem cell studies

(AP) -- Hanqi Miao said she wanted to donate her eggs to help infertile couples reproduce, but she acknowledged the money is good, too: She said she'll be paid about $5,000.

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