Tried and true recipes

Nuclear reactor technology research dwindled away when nuclear power fell out of favor several decades ago. Renewed interest in fission-based energy means knowledge gained in past research is relevant again.

Iran tech expo sends defiant message to West

(AP) -- An Iranian supercomputer. New space rockets and satellites carrying the flag of the Islamic Republic. Biotech innovations that include artificial tendons.

What will threaten us in 2040?

Could terrorists of the future use a swarm of tiny robots -- less an a quarter-inch high -- to attack their targets? Will new bio materials be able to target individuals carrying specific genetic markers? Could cyber-attackers ...

NRC chairman says SILEX needs a careful look

As global leaders discuss ridding the world of nuclear weapons, the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory (NRC) Commission has acknowledged that a new laser technology— which could lead to even more global proliferation - ...

Germany's biggest solar park inaugurated

Germany's largest solar park, and the world's second biggest, was inaugurated on Thursday on the site of a former Soviet military training ground in the east of the country.

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