Jordan to build nuclear research reactor

Jordan's Nuclear Regulatory Commission has given the go-ahead for a first nuclear research reactor as the desert kingdom, which lacks any oil, seeks to meet its energy needs.

Tried and true recipes

Nuclear reactor technology research dwindled away when nuclear power fell out of favor several decades ago. Renewed interest in fission-based energy means knowledge gained in past research is relevant again.

GE uranium enrichment plans raise fears: report

US conglomerate General Electric is seeking permission to build a $1 billion plant for uranium enrichment by laser, a process which has raised proliferation fears, The New York Times said Sunday.

'T-rays' to shed light on nuclear fusion

In the race to secure clean energy in the future, Lancaster University Engineers are reinventing a piece of technology which so far has only been used in labs to diagnose cancer, detect explosives, and even analyse grand ...

Is the energy system really ready for sustainable energy?

New research into sustainable energy systems focuses on integrating renewable and nuclear power plants into the electrical grid – a topic high on the agenda for scholars, industry and policy makers.

US panel approves uranium enrichment plant (Update)

(AP)—A nuclear power partnership of General Electric Co. and Tokyo-based Hitachi Ltd. received federal approval Tuesday to build the first plant to enrich uranium for use in commercial reactors using a classified laser ...

Finnish nuclear reactor 'may be seven years late'

Finnish electricity company TVO said on Monday that an EPR nuclear reactor being built by Areva and Siemens may not be ready until 2016, contradicting Areva's claims that it would be completed in 2014.

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