No health effects from Fukushima: Japan researcher

A Japanese government-backed researcher said Friday no health effects from radiation released by the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant have been seen in people living nearby.

Radiation tolerant nanotwinned metals

Texas A&M University mechanical engineering researchers led by Dr. Xinghang Zhang have discovered ratiation-tolerant nanotwinned metals that could provide an important step forward for the design of materials for the next ...

TEPCO: Record high radiation level found in fish

A fish contaminated with radiation levels more than 2,500 times the legal limit has been caught near Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, its operator said Friday.

Brazil ages the stuff of caipirinhas with radiation

Excuse me, waiter, but why is my caipirinha glowing? Researchers in Brazil say they've found a faster way to age the liquor used to make the country's signature cocktail—zap it with gamma radiation for a few minutes, rather ...

Fukushima operator seeks yet more money

The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant on Thursday sought yet more money to pay ballooning bills for compensating victims of last year's disaster.

AP Exclusive: Japan scientists took utility money

(AP)—Influential scientists who help set Japan's radiation exposure limits have for years had trips paid for by the country's nuclear plant operators to attend overseas meetings of the world's top academic group on radiation ...

Chernobyl shelter construction reaches key landmark

Work to build a permanent shelter to secure the exploded reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine reached a key milestone on Tuesday when workers raised the arched section that will cover the destroyed unit.

Fishing for answers off Fukushima

Japan's "triple disaster," as it has become known, began on March 11, 2011, and remains unprecedented in its scope and complexity. To understand the lingering effects and potential public health implications of that chain ...

Developing a robot that can go where humans fear to tread

It sounds like a science fiction scenario: a nuclear reactor is racing toward meltdown, and someone needs to close a valve to stop cooling water from leaking out of the reactor. Unfortunately, radiation levels near the valve ...

Japan's radiation monitoring unreliable: Greenpeace

Government radiation monitoring in areas near Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is unreliable, Greenpeace charged on Tuesday, with heavily populated areas exposed to 13 times the legal limit.

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