'T-rays' to shed light on nuclear fusion

In the race to secure clean energy in the future, Lancaster University Engineers are reinventing a piece of technology which so far has only been used in labs to diagnose cancer, detect explosives, and even analyse grand ...

Sophisticated radiation detector designed for broad public use

Nuclear engineers at Oregon State University have developed a small, portable and inexpensive radiation detection device that should help people all over the world better understand the radiation around them, its type and ...

Revolutionary nuclear radiation detector hits the market

A handheld radiation camera developed by University of Michigan engineering researchers offers nuclear plant operators a faster way to find potentially dangerous hot spots and leaky fuel rods.

13 were exposed to radiation at US plant

(AP)—Thirteen workers at a U.S. underground nuclear waste dump in New Mexico have tested positive for radiation exposure after a recent leak, raising questions about whether the facility's safety systems worked as well ...

Radiation leak detected at New Mexico nuclear plant

US investigators were taking samples at a New Mexico underground nuclear waste site where airborne radiation was detected, though authorities stressed they had found no contamination.

New theory for analysing interacting nuclear spins in solvents

Hardly a spectroscopic method boasts so many different applications as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, better known as "NMR". The approach of NMR spectroscopy is based on monitoring the so-called nuclear spin, namely ...

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