In the far future, the universe will be mostly invisible

If you look out on the sky on a nice clear dark night, you'll see thousands of intense points of light. Those stars are incredibly far away, but bright enough to be seen with the naked eye from that great distance—a considerable ...

Rad revelations: Future fuel designs from noble metals

Researchers at PNNL are removing a shroud of mystery surrounding the behavior of certain metal particles in nuclear fuel. The team's findings could improve future fuel designs for more efficient and safe production of nuclear ...

World's second EPR nuclear reactor starts work in China

A next-generation EPR nuclear reactor in China has carried out its first chain reaction, French energy giant EDF announced Wednesday, becoming the second using the much-delayed European technology to reach the milestone.

Climate student protesters grab mic at RWE investor huddle

German students brought their weekly climate protests to energy giant RWE's home turf Friday, grabbing the microphone from bosses to urge a speedier exit from coal at the group's annual shareholder meeting.

Nuclear fuel removed from crippled Japan plant

The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima power plant on Monday began removing atomic fuel from inside a building housing one of the reactors that melted down in 2011.

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