Researcher uses code to test nuclear fuels

When friends ask Idaho National Laboratory researcher Blaise Collin what his job entails, he compares his scientific simulation work to operating a flight simulator.

France unveils ambitious energy bill for greener nation

France on Wednesday unveiled a much-anticipated bill to reduce the country's dependency on nuclear energy and fossil fuels, after months of intense debate over one of the Socialist government's pet projects.

Japan 'plans carbon offset scheme with India'

Japan is set to offer India a carbon offset scheme that would see Tokyo's environmental technology used by the rising Asian giant to help reduce its emissions, a report said.

Nuclear industry explores accident-resistant fuel

(AP)—The explosions that damaged a crippled Japanese nuclear plant during a disaster that forced mass evacuations in 2011 show what can happen when nuclear fuel overheats.

Researchers model spent nuclear fuels

( —Lawrence Livermore scientists have modeled actinide-based alloys, such as spent nuclear fuel, in an effort to predict the impact of evolving fuel chemistry on material performance.

Magnetic behavior discovery could advance nuclear fusion

( —Inspired by the space physics behind solar flares and the aurora, a team of researchers from the University of Michigan and Princeton has uncovered a new kind of magnetic behavior that could help make nuclear ...

Japan to abandon troubled fast breeder reactor

Japan will scrap plans to generate electricity at its multi-billion dollar experimental Monju fast breeder reactor, a media report said on Friday, in a move that could affect the nation's nuclear fuel cycle programme.

Japan researchers use cosmic rays to see nuclear fuel

Japanese researchers said Thursday they had succeeded in using cosmic rays to find nuclear fuel inside a reactor, a technology that might be helpful in the complicated decommissioning at Fukushima.

Fukushima operator gives first glimpse of fuel rod removal

The operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant Tuesday offered the first glimpse of the operation to remove its fuel rods, the most dangerous job since the runaway reactors were brought under control two years ago.

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