Related topics: power plants

Chevron says hit by Stuxnet virus in 2010

Oil giant Chevron was struck by the Stuxnet virus, a sophisticated cyber attack that tore through Iran's nuclear facilities and is believed to have been launched by the United States and Israel.

CERN simulating Jupiter

This test facility at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, was used to simulate the high-radiation environment surrounding Jupiter to prepare for ESA's JUICE mission to the largest planet in our Solar System.

Russia opens commission into 'nuclear incident' report

A Russian scientific commission will investigate reports of radioactive pollution almost 1,000 times above normal levels in the southern Urals, state nuclear company Rosatom said Friday.

What will threaten us in 2040?

Could terrorists of the future use a swarm of tiny robots -- less an a quarter-inch high -- to attack their targets? Will new bio materials be able to target individuals carrying specific genetic markers? Could cyber-attackers ...

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