UN warns against thirsty tech to solve water crisis

The world needs to better manage its freshwater resources but thirsty new technologies touted as solutions could lead to "serious problems" if left unchecked, a UN report warned Friday.

Q&A: Coming soon? A brief guide to 21st-century megadisasters

When it comes to calamities, Jeffrey Schlegelmilch thinks big. In his upcoming book, "Rethinking Readiness: A Brief Guide to Twenty-First-Century Megadisasters," he explores menaces that potentially could change not just ...

Image: Mapping Chernobyl fires from space

With an outbreak of wildfires recently threatening the closed Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, the Copernicus Emergency Mapping Service has been activated and the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite mission has imaged ...

Emergency method for measuring strontium levels in milk

In a recently published study, UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country's Nuclear and Radiological Safety research group has tested the viability of a method proposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency to measure radioactive ...

What we need to do to prepare for a nuclear event

As we observe the 70th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it may seem like the threat from nuclear weapons has receded. But it hasn't; the threat is actually increasing steadily. This is difficult to face ...

EU wants six-yearly post-Fukushima nuclear stress tests

The European Commission called for stress tests every six years on the dozens of nuclear reactors operating in the European Union as it issued new safety rules in the wake of Japan's Fukushima disaster.

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