Report: NSA broke into Yahoo, Google data centers (Update 2)

The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, a newspaper reported, citing documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward ...

Report: NSA collecting millions of contact listss

The National Security Agency has been sifting through millions of contact lists from personal email and instant messaging accounts around the world—including those of Americans—in its effort to find possible links to ...

Growing backlash to government surveillance

From Silicon Valley to the South Pacific, counterattacks to revelations of widespread National Security Agency surveillance are taking shape, from a surge of new encrypted email programs to technology that sprinkles the Internet ...

US data collection opens doors to abuse: report

US law enforcement and intelligence agencies are collecting massive amounts of data on Americans and storing it for too long, creating a potential for abuse, a research report said Tuesday.

US official admits testing US cellphone tracking

National Security Agency chief Gen. Keith Alexander revealed Wednesday that his spy agency once tested whether it could track Americans' cell phone locations, in addition to its practice of sweeping broad information about ...

Brazil looks to break from US-centric Internet (Update 2)

Brazil plans to divorce itself from the U.S.-centric Internet over Washington's widespread online spying, a move that many experts fear will be a potentially dangerous first step toward fracturing a global network built with ...

Next question: can the NSA crack Tor keys?

( —"After more revelations, and expert analysis, we still aren't precisely sure what crypto the NSA can break. But everyone seems to agree that if anything, the NSA can break 1024 RSA/DH [DH refers to Diffie-Hellman] ...

Report: NSA cracked most online encryption

The National Security Agency, working with the British government, has secretly been unraveling encryption technology that billions of Internet users rely upon to keep their electronic messages and confidential data safe ...

Microsoft joins Google in US spying suit

Microsoft says that a battle to shed light on secret US government requests for Internet user data will play out in court after failed peace talks.

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