Novel coronaviruses are riskiest for spillover

In the past decade, scientists have described hundreds of novel viruses with the potential to pass between wildlife and humans. But how can they know which are riskiest for spillover and therefore which to prioritize for ...

New bioremediation material can clean 'forever chemicals'

A novel bioremediation technology for cleaning up per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, chemical pollutants that threaten human health and ecosystem sustainability, has been developed by Texas A&M AgriLife researchers. ...

Machine learning paves the way for smarter particle accelerators

Scientists have developed a new machine-learning platform that makes the algorithms that control particle beams and lasers smarter than ever before. Their work could help lead to the development of new and improved particle ...

Tiny motors take a big step forward

Motors are everywhere in our day-to-day lives—from cars to washing machines. A futuristic scientific field is working on tiny motors that could power a network of nanomachines and replace some of the power sources we use ...

Wild bird monitoring to predict zoonotic disease risk

Australia's largest wild bird sample collection has been established by experts around the nation, including a Deakin University researcher. Here's what it's showing about zoonotic disease.

Following ultrafast magnetization dynamics in depth

The future development of functional magnetic devices based on ultrafast optical manipulation of spins requires an understanding of the depth-dependent spin dynamics across the interfaces of complex magnetic heterostructures. ...

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