New binocular Nova Cas 2021 flares in Cassiopeia

It began, as all modern astronomical alerts seem to, with one tweet, then two. Early on the morning of Friday, March 19, we started seeing word that a nova was spotted in the constellation of Cassiopeia the Queen, near its ...

NOvA turns its eyes to the skies

The NOvA experiment, best known for its measurements of neutrino oscillations using particle beams from Fermilab accelerators, has been turning its eyes to the skies, examining phenomena ranging from supernovae to magnetic ...

Astronomers observe nova V659 Sct during outburst

Using the TIGRE telescope, astronomers have conducted spectroscopic observations of recently discovered nova known as V659 Sct during multiple phases of its outburst. Results of this observational campaign, presented in a ...

Predator snails fend off the invasion of barnacles in Japan

Introduced species can have tremendous ecological effects and can become a major threat to ecosystems. Invasion biology tries to understand the mechanisms that can limit and control the impacts of introduced species.

Seeing the light: Study finds new way novae light up the sky

A nova, or stella nova, the Latin word for "new star," is an explosion on the surface of a star that can produce enough energy to increase the star's brightness by millions of times. Sometimes a nova, which occur in stars ...

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