Peculiar nova eruption inspected by astronomers

An international team of astronomers has employed NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to observe the eruption of Nova Vulpeculae 2021. Results of the observational campaign, published November 8 on the pre-print ...

Astronomers discover M87's jet is triggering novae

Everyone loves a good mystery, and astronomers have just uncovered a new one in a nearby supermassive galaxy called M87. Like most galaxies, M87 regularly plays host to a smattering of stellar explosions called novae, each ...

How Canada can make better progress on disability inclusion

According to the World Health Organization, around 16 percent of the world's population, just over one billion people, are living with a disability. In Canada, research shows that up to 30 percent of Canadians are living ...

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