Astronomers discover 2,000-year-old remnant of a nova

For the first time, a European research team involving the University of Göttingen has discovered the remains of a nova in a galactic globular cluster. The remnant is located near the centre of the globular cluster Messier ...

Fermilab sends first neutrino beam to NOvA experiment

DOE's Fermilab has switched on its newly upgraded neutrino beam, soon to be the most intense in the world. The laboratory spent the past 15 months upgrading its accelerator complex in preparation for the NOvA experiment, ...

Neutrino data to flow in 2010; NOvA scientists tune design

( -- Physicists may see data as soon as late summer from the prototype for a $278 million science experiment in northern Minnesota that is being designed to find clues to some fundamental mysteries of the universe.

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