DonanimHaber leaks data on new AMD processors

( -- When it comes to the world of computer processors it is all about what it going to happen next. Even if the current generation of processors can do everything that you want them to that tantalizing prospect ...

Google notebooks challenge Microsoft

Notebook computers powered by Google software are heading to market in a direct assault on the Windows operating system at the heart of Microsoft's technology empire.

Seagate to buy Samsung's hard disk drive business

Seagate is buying the hard disk drive business of Samsung in a $1.38 billion deal that also gives the South Korean electronics manufacturer a nearly 10 percent stake in Seagate.

Intel announces third-generation SSD 320 series

Intel announced today its highly anticipated third-generation solid-state drive (SSD) the Intel Solid-State Drive 320 Series (Intel SSD 320 Series). Based on its industry-leading 25-nanometer (nm) NAND flash memory, the Intel ...

Rumors about two new Sony laptops abound

( -- Is Sony trying to out Macbook the Macbook? That is the rumor floating around the tech world today. According to a rumor report, first put out by Sony Insider, the company is allegedly working on two different ...

Samsung makes 1TB hard drive platters

( -- The world of hardware is, in some ways, an arms race. We want it faster, smaller, with a longer battery life, and with more storage. While we cannot always get all of those things from one device, when one ...

AMD announces a wireless video-streaming display system

( -- AMD has, with the assistance of videoconferencing software maker ViVu, entered the wireless video-streaming display arena. The display, has been informally nick-name of the AMD Wireless TV, since the technology ...

Greenpeace ranks 'greenest' electronics

Environmental group Greenpeace handed out grades Thursday to what it said were the world's "greenest" consumer electronics makers, as the annual gadget industry trade show opened here on Thursday.

Firefox backs 'Do Not Track' with online stealth

As concern about online privacy grows, Mozilla is promising to let people cloak Internet activity in free Firefox Web browsing software being released early next year.

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