Facebook lets friends share online memories

Facebook on Thursday launched Friendship Pages at which online pals can stroll virtual memory lanes that chronicle what they have shared at the world's top online social networking service.

Nostalgia could be linked to feeling left out

Sometimes you just want to watch a rerun of your favorite old TV show or eat a favorite childhood treat. Well, a new study led by two researchers from the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University shows that ...

Nostalgia: The gift that keeps on giving

With the festive holiday just around the corner many people will be thinking back to Christmases gone by with a nostalgic longing.

How nostalgia and memories find expression in social media

As possibilities have changed and technology has advanced, memories and nostalgia are now a significant part of our use of social media. This is shown in a study from the University of Gothenburg and University West, published ...

How Gen Z are using the past to feel positive about the future

Gen Z loves nostalgia. Sentimentally for things of the past is not a new phenomenon nor is it an emotion reserved for Gen Z. But it would appear, judging by the amount of coverage on the topic, that Gen Z have got it bad. ...

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