Trouble in the air?

Among the earliest warning signs of the 2014 West Virginia chemical spill were widespread reports of a peculiar odor: licorice.

Human-like nose can sniff out contamination in drinking water

A bioelectronic nose that mimics the human nose can detect traces of bacteria in water by smelling it, without the need for complex equipment and testing. According to a study published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics the ...

Can habitat protection save our disappearing bats?

In summertime, bats are a common feature in the night sky, swooping around backyards to gobble up mosquitos. Bats also help with crops: they act as a natural pesticide by feeding on harmful insects.

Hormone 'erases' male smell for female mice

Everyone knows that a plate of food doesn't look as delicious after you've already eaten a big meal. But imagine if your internal state actually made you blind to food.

US forest service research team releases bats treated for WNS

USDA Forest Service scientists, collaborators, and supporters gathered at Mark Twain Cave Complex in Hannibal, Mo., on Tuesday evening to express cautious optimism about a possible treatment for White-nose Syndrome (WNS). ...

Worried sick over canine flu? Tips to help protect your pup

An outbreak of canine flu has sickened more than 1,000 dogs in the Midwest, killing a handful and stirring concern among animal lovers nationwide that the highly contagious virus will sideline their pets.

Tests show Midwestern canine flu outbreak stems from new strain

Canine influenza virus (CIV) has affected at least 1,000 dogs in Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana in the last month, including one confirmed case in the Madison area. Previously thought to be caused by the H3N8 strain, ...

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