'Electronic nose' detects disease in expiratory air

According to the World Health Organization, one of the main causes of mortality is cardiovascular disease. Early detection of symptoms is critical for medical intervention. However, traditional methods of examination (X-ray, ...

Odors can be measured by analytical chemistry

Usually, it takes a nose to smell, but now - for the first time - scientists have developed a convincing model able to measure odours from pig farms by means of precise measurements of the content of odorants in the atmosphere.

Two approaches to enhancing tomato flavor

Anyone who has ever wondered why some tomatoes can taste so bland might be interested in the work of two Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in Fort Pierce, Florida. They are taking two different approaches to ...

What guitarfish and aircraft wings have in common

Recent research by a team led by Jonathan Cox and Zhijin Wang shows how water flows through the nose of a guitarfish, a type of ray. The team discovered that vortex-like structures in their noses help the guitarfish to swim ...

Understanding the scent of death

Well-trained cadaver dogs can be remarkably adept at discerning the smell of human remains from those of animals. Mimicking these canines' abilities in an artificial nose would be a huge help in disasters when thousands of ...

Bat-killing disease found in Washington state, first in West

A fungal disease that has killed millions of bats nationwide has spread to Washington state, the first time white-nose syndrome has turned up in the western United States, federal wildlife officials said Thursday.

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