Shortcuts costly when buying conservation from farmers: study

Farmers in the U.S. and the European Union receive billions of dollars in government subsidies each year to make changes in their operations that will improve the environment. However, a new study by Paul Armsworth, assistant ...

Half of England in drought: officials

Half of England was officially in drought on Monday after the Environment Agency declared another 17 counties short of water, and warned the situation may continue until the end of the year.

British student avoids US extradition over TV website

A British student who created a website that let people watch films and television shows for free has struck a deal with the United States to avoid extradition, London's High Court heard on Wednesday.

Report of British hacking raises hackles abroad

A newspaper report that British eavesdropping agency GCHQ repeatedly hacked into foreign diplomats' phones and emails has prompted an angry response from traditional rival Russia and provoked demands for an investigation ...

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