Using fire to revive a fragmented prairie landscape

Although fire can kill some plants, many plants need fires to survive and flower. Entire habitats like tallgrass prairie depend on fires, which historically burned across thousands of acres of grasslands in North America ...

Environmental physicist discusses marine heat waves

An extraordinary heat wave is assailing the world's oceans with an intensity that is surprising climate researchers. Environmental physicist Nicolas Gruber provides some context.

Riddle of varying warm water inflow in the Arctic now solved

In the "weather kitchen," the interplay between the Azores High and Icelandic Low has a substantial effect on how much warm water the Atlantic transports to the Arctic along the Norwegian coast. But this rhythm can be thrown ...

Two new species of ancient primates resembling lemurs identified

Fossil evidence from the Tornillo Basin in West Texas and the Uinta Basin in Utah reveals two new species of omomyids—a family of small-bodied early primates from the Eocene epoch. The findings also clarify previously disputed ...

Exploring Earth's mantle through microseisms

The ocean is constantly whirring with activity. The pressure from this constant roiling and swelling is one cause of microseisms—random, nearly imperceptible vibrations of Earth that also can be produced by human activities ...

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