Related topics: climate change · arctic

NASA plans twin sounding rocket launches over Norway this winter

This winter, two sounding rockets will launch through the aurora borealis over Norway to study how particles move in a region near the North Pole where Earth's magnetic field is directly connected to the solar wind. After ...

Magnetic monopoles in spin ice crystals

Today one of the major goals of physicists is to unify the forces of nature into a Grand Unified Theory that could portray a more elegant and comprehensive representation of the Universe. One step towards this big theory ...

Image: The lunar North Pole

The pockmarked landscape captured in this image from ESA's SMART-1 mission is the surface of our moon. Some of the many craters scattered across the lunar surface are clearly visible, records of the many impacts that have ...

US icebreaker reaches North Pole

A US Coast Guard icebreaker has carved its way to the North Pole, becoming the first American surface ship to get to the top of the world by itself, officials said Tuesday.

Warning Area in Arctic airspace to aid research and exploration

A 700-mile-long airspace that stretches north from Oliktok Point—the northernmost point of Alaska's Prudhoe Bay—to about 400 miles short of the North Pole has been put under the stewardship of Sandia National Laboratories ...

Russia files UN claim over vast swathe of Arctic

Russia pressed a claim at the United Nations Tuesday for an additional 1.2 million square kilometres (463,000 square miles) of Arctic shelf, stepping up a race for the region's hydrocarbon and mineral wealth.

'Bathtub rings' suggest Titan's dynamic seas

Saturn's moon, Titan, is the only object in the Solar System other than Earth known to have liquid on its surface. While most of the lakes are found around the poles, the dry regions near the equator contain signs of evaporated ...

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