Chimpanzees are spontaneously generous after all

Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center have shown chimpanzees have a significant bias for prosocial behavior. This, the study authors report, is in contrast to previous studies that positioned chimpanzees ...

Tuning in to noisy interference

Establishing a detailed knowledge of the noise properties of superconducting systems is an important step towards the development of quantum computers, which will enable new types of computing. However, the signals of these ...

T-shirt charges your phone by absorbing ambient sound (w/ video)

First there was tie-dye, then there was hypercolor. Could piezoelectric fabrics that charge your mobile phone while you wear them be the next big T-shirt fad? That's what the French telecom company, Orange, is counting on, ...

Noise research to combat 'wind turbine syndrome'

( -- University of Adelaide acoustics researchers are investigating the causes of wind turbine noise with the aim of making them quieter and solving 'wind turbine syndrome'.

Temperatures and wind conditions move traffic noise

( -- Imagine sitting down for your early morning coffee when your nice little suburban morning is disrupted by the sound of highway traffic from a quarter mile away. When you purchased your home far from the ...

Rowdy residents warn crustaceans away from perilous reefs

( -- Coral reefs present a treacherous wall of mouths to flea-sized planktonic crustaceans, but the clamour generated by animals on the reef may act like a foghorn to warn them away from danger.

Fish find a suitable homes through noise

( -- Noisy neighbors can be desirable – at least if you’re a young reef fish trying to choose a home. New research from the Universities of Auckland and Bristol found that juvenile fish listen to ...

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