Noise created by humans is pervasive in US protected areas

Protected areas in the United States, representing 14 percent of the land mass, provide places for respite, recreation, and natural resource conservation. However, noise pollution poses novel threats to these protected areas, ...

What effect is global aviation having on the environment?

There's no denying the positive economic and social impact that air transport has had on our global society. From making it convenient for us to travel to far-flung places and experience different cultures to enabling isolated ...

New ideas in the search for dark matter

Since the 1980s, researchers have been running experiments in search of particles that make up dark matter, an invisible substance that permeates our galaxy and universe. Coined dark matter because it gives off no light, ...

How the kettle got its whistle

( —Researchers have finally worked out where the noise that makes kettles whistle actually comes from – a problem which has puzzled scientists for more than 100 years.

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