After thousands of years, an iconic whale confronts a new enemy

For millennia, vast expanses of the Arctic Ocean have been untouched by humans, ocean where narwhals and other marine mammals lived undisturbed. Now that climate change is causing sea ice to melt, there has been an uptick ...

Whale migration in our noisy oceans

The long-distance migrations performed by groups of animals offer some of the most spectacular natural phenomena on our planet.

Man-made chemicals could be stressing out marine mammals

Marine mammals are grappling with climate change, but now a researcher has joined FIU to study whether chemical contaminants are adding an additional layer of stress to this already tense situation.

Under the sea, humans have changed ocean sounds

Not only are humans changing the surface and temperature of the planet, but also its sounds – and those shifts are detectable even in the open ocean, according to research published Thursday.

Green earplugs

Through the window, you hear the traffic noise from down the street, a train rumbles in the distance—that is the everyday life for many of us. Almost 75% of the European population lives in urban areas and only a quarter ...

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