Related topics: nitrogen

Report: Most Americans still live in unclean air

(AP) -- Six in 10 Americans - about 175 million people - are living in places where air pollution often reaches dangerous levels, despite progress in reducing particle pollution, the American Lung Association said in a report ...

Pollution risks worsening global water scarcity: Study

Water scarcity could affect three billion more people than previously expected by mid-century, with increased pollution rendering river sources "unsafe" for humans and wildlife, researchers warned Tuesday.

Soil tainted by air pollution expels carbon

New UC Riverside research suggests nitrogen released by gas-powered machines causes dry soil to let go of carbon and release it back into the atmosphere, where it can contribute to climate change.

Micro-pollution ravaging China and South Asia: study

Nearly 90 percent of the 200 cities beset by the world's highest levels of deadly micro-pollution are in China and India, with most of the rest in Pakistan and Indonesia, researchers reported Tuesday.

A genetic alternative to fertilizer

Several studies have shown that a lack of nitrogen in soils adversely affects crop yields. The modern use of nitrogen fertilizers has improved yields to meet expanding global food demand, but in some cases up to 50% of the ...

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