Building more sustainable aircrafts

Life Cycle Assessments of components can help make aircraft production more sustainable. The decisive factor is making the data available at an early stage. Thanks to a new eco design software, these data are now available ...

Tree domination of the world's savannas may slow down

Savannas are becoming increasingly woodier as trees gain the upper hand over grasses in these ecosystems, but this encroachment may proceed more slowly than previously thought, new University of Otago-led research suggests.

Examining the intricacies of the nitrogen cycle

Nitrogen may not get the same level of attention as its neighbors on the periodic table, carbon and oxygen. But like its neighbors, it's an element we can't live without.

Lake Research That Isn't All Wet

( -- The federal government may not have been able to save California from massive budget cuts, but at least a stimulus research grant will help scientists understand the biology of western lakes.

Nitrogen loss in soils unearthed

Researchers from The University of Western Australia have challenged the current understanding about which microorganisms carry out important nitrogen transformations in semi-arid agricultural soils.

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