Nickel nanoparticles may contribute to lung cancer

All the excitement about nanotechnology comes down to this: Structures of materials at the scale of billionths of a meter take on unusual properties. Technologists often focus on the happier among these newfound capabilities, ...

World's fastest nickel-based complex

( -- Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis and Villanova University designed a nickel-based complex that more than doubled previously reported hydrogen gas ...

Green chemistry: Getting nickel back

In Southeast Asia, palm oil is used both as an ingredient for cooking and a raw material for biodiesel production. To stabilize the oil against decomposition, it has to be hydrogenated in the presence of a nickel catalyst ...

A new dimension in materials research

( -- In the future, physicists will be able to follow a new lead in their search for new materials for electronic components, for example. An international team of researchers headed by scientists at the Max Planck ...

Movement without muscles

A group of scientists headed by Michael Nickel of Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) gives new answers to the question: Which cells in the sponges are contracting? They were able to show that the inner and outer ...

Building a better battery

( -- “What we are trying to do is put different pieces of a puzzle together,” said Argonne National Laboratory scientist Daniel P. Abraham. The puzzle is a lithium-rich compound material, Li1.2Co0.4Mn0.4O2, ...

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