How to make 'Jeopardy!' work for you at the office

Showing strength and confidence is often touted as the way to get things done at work, but a new study from the University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business suggests that people might have more success if they were less ...

An exo-Neptune beat the odds and kept its atmosphere

As planet-hunting scientists find more and more planets, they've encountered some puzzles. One of them concerns the lack of Neptune-size worlds orbiting close to their stars. Astronomers think that these planets aren't massive ...

Gravity and dark matter, a bond beyond distances

Isaac Newton formulated his theory of gravity as an action at a distance: a planet instantly feels the influence of another celestial body, no matter the distance between them. This characteristic motivated Albert Einstein ...

Untangling a knot of galaxy clusters

Astronomers have captured a spectacular, ongoing collision between at least three galaxy clusters. Data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, ESA's (European Space Agency's) XMM-Newton, and a trio of radio telescopes is ...

Non-inertial torques and the Euler equation

Classical mechanics is the framework for studying motion of objects under the influence of forces. Its domain of applicability is limited to the macroscopic world (i.e., not applicable in the atomic/subatomic world) and to ...

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