No tax on CO2 emissions in China's new environment law

China has passed a law that levies taxes on pollution, but ignores carbon dioxide, one of the major contributors to global warming, according to the web site of the country's highest legislative body.

Web site runs elaborate Secret Santa gift exchange

(AP) -- 'Tis the season for heart-melting tales of spontaneous good will among strangers, which, like the rest of our relationships, has gotten a lot more convenient since the advent of the Internet.

China cracks down on 'fake journalists and news'

China said Monday it had launched a campaign to crack down on "fake journalists and news" and "illegal media outlets", as it further tightens its grip on the media in the Internet era.

An egalitarian Internet? Not so, study says

( -- The Internet is often thought of as a forum that enables egalitarian communication among people from diverse backgrounds and political persuasions, but a University of Georgia study reveals that online discussion ...

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